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Cutting of coils into steel strip
The metal is delivered to the plant in coils.For use in profile production, we cut it into strips using an innovative longitudinal metal cutting line.
The process of cutting a 5 tons’ bale takes 30-40 minutes.
Profile formation
To form the profile, we place the strip on the unwinder and insert it into the mill guides. Special mill rollers form rib stiffeners, create perforations, as well as bend shelves and locks. Then the profile passes through the cutters and is cut in equal parts.
The formed profile is transferred to the operator’s packing table. With the help of the packaging machine, the operator forms briquettes, which are subsequently stacked into pallets.
Pallets are placed on bars, tied with special polypropylene tape, and transported to the warehouse by forklift.
Profile loading
For successful transportation, we distribute the load in the vehicle evenly in accordance with the approved arrangement scheme. After that, the products are fastened to the platform to avoid movement of pallets with the profile around the car.
We deliver products by our own vehicles to any point, and satellite tracking system allows for 24/7 online monitoring.